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  • 步步阅读·牛津树精讲精读

    正文概述 UU网友   2023-12-12   253

    uu学院视频教程下载站 https://study.uuu188.cn



    ├──level 1

    | ├──unit1

    | | ├──01-cats

    | | | ├──02-进阶课.mp4 66.58M

    | | | ├──03-挑战.mp4 33.12M

    | | | └──1-基础课.mp4 104.27M

    | | ├──02-pop

    | | | ├──1.mp4 126.66M

    | | | └──2.mp4 76.91M

    | | ├──03-mod

    | | | ├──1.mp4 167.49M

    | | | └──2.mp4 88.55M

    | | └──04.big.bad bug

    | | | ├──1.mp4 168.28M

    | | | └──2.mp4 85.85M

    | ├──unit2

    | | ├──01-hats

    | | | ├──SVID_20200303_143433_1.mp4 145.83M

    | | | └──SVID_20200303_145434_1.mp4 69.01M

    | | ├──02-a big mess

    | | | ├──1.mp4 187.47M

    | | | └──2.mp4 92.86M

    | | ├──03-rocket

    | | └──04-get a bus

    | | | ├──SVID_20200306_103542_1.mp4 174.51M

    | | | └──SVID_20200306_105327_1.mp4 85.08M

    | ├──unit3

    | | ├──01-fun on the canal

    | | | ├──SVID_20200307_152544_1.mp4 231.53M

    | | | └──SVID_20200307_154839_1.mp4 110.21M

    | | ├──02-pets

    | | | ├──1.mp4 171.36M

    | | | └──2.mp4 83.83M

    | | ├──03-a top pot

    | | | ├──SVID_20200309_143210_1.mp4 169.19M

    | | | └──SVID_20200309_144631_1.mp4 75.92M

    | | └──04-spot the pot

    | | | ├──SVID_20200310_122519_1.mp4 232.71M

    | | | └──SVID_20200310_124547_1.mp4 74.35M

    | ├──unit4

    | | └──01-A picnic sunset

    | | | ├──1.mp4 185.94M

    | | | └──2.mp4 60.20M

    | └──unit5

    | | ├──01-I will get you

    | | | ├──1.mp4 218.18M

    | | | └──2.mp4 93.82M

    | | ├──02-the king and his with

    | | | ├──1.mp4 249.09M

    | | | └──SVID_20200320_193153_1.mp4 83.22M

    | | ├──03-rabbit on the run

    | | | ├──1.mp4 275.89M

    | | | └──2.mp4 96.79M

    | | └──04-dick and his cat

    | | | ├──1.mp4 304.35M

    | | | └──2.mp4 83.81M

    ├──level 2

    | ├──unit 1

    | | ├──01-the zip

    | | | ├──1.mp4 193.12M

    | | | └──2.mp4 100.40M

    | | ├──02-posh shops

    | | | ├──1.mp4 259.12M

    | | | └──2.mp4 92.98M

    | | ├──03-bang the gong

    | | | ├──1.mp4 276.78M

    | | | └──2.mp4 123.84M

    | | └──04-Jack

    | | | ├──1.mp4 231.54M

    | | | └──2.mp4 122.53M

    | ├──unit 2

    | | ├──01-Quiz

    | | | ├──1.mp4 185.88M

    | | | └──2.mp4 100.70M

    | | ├──02-a Robin’s eggs

    | | | ├──1.mp4 386.15M

    | | | └──2.mp4 118.14M

    | | ├──03-bug quiz

    | | | ├──1.mp4 286.46M

    | | | └──2.mp4 119.59M

    | | └──04-fish and ships

    | | | ├──1.mp4 317.56M

    | | | └──2.mp4 106.66M

    | ├──unit 3

    | | ├──01-now and then

    | | | ├──SVID_20200405_093809_1.mp4 220.60M

    | | | └──SVID_20200405_100422_1.mp4 104.46M

    | | └──02-eggs

    | | | ├──SVID_20200405_161902_1.mp4 208.83M

    | | | └──SVID_20200405_164726_1.mp4 102.87M

    | └──unit 4

    | | ├──01-A den in the wood

    | | | ├──1.mp4 437.60M

    | | | └──2.mp4 198.76M

    | | ├──02-dens and nests

    | | | ├──1.mp4 368.89M

    | | | └──2.mp4 159.56M

    | | ├──03-cards for gran

    | | | ├──1.mp4 311.65M

    | | | └──2.mp4 140.19M

    | | └──04-frog cards

    | | | ├──1.mp4 284.70M

    | | | └──2.mp4 116.70M

    ├──level 3

    | ├──unit 1

    | | ├──01-leek hotpot

    | | | ├──1.mp4 244.44M

    | | | └──2.mp4 140.23M

    | | ├──2-quee,s maid

    | | | └──SVID_20200502_092530_1.mp4 425.61M

    | | ├──3-toads in the

    | | | ├──SVID_20200503_104057_1.mp4 383.51M

    | | | └──SVID_20200503_111322_1.mp4 166.61M

    | | └──4-chairs in the air

    | | | ├──SVID_20200525_090349_1.mp4 393.80M

    | | | └──SVID_20200525_094511_1.mp4 204.79M

    | ├──unit 2

    | | ├──01-a bark in the wight

    | | | ├──SVID_20200526_154613_1.mp4 296.76M

    | | | └──SVID_20200526_163502_1.mp4 158.62M

    | | ├──02-silver foil rocket

    | | | ├──SVID_20200529_132615_1.mp4 424.62M

    | | | └──SVID_20200529_135953_1.mp4 139.49M

    | | ├──03-men on the moon

    | | | ├──SVID_20200531_203055_1.mp4 427.96M

    | | | └──SVID_20200531_211257_1.mp4 191.32M

    | | └──04-muffins

    | | | └──SVID_20200604_182442_1.mp4 343.69M

    | ├──unit 3

    | | ├──01-at the market

    | | | ├──1.mp4 463.05M

    | | | └──2.mp4 189.84M

    | | ├──02-a coolsummer

    | | | ├──1.mp4 428.53M

    | | | └──2.mp4 144.52M

    | | ├──03-home for a night

    | | | ├──1.mp4 451.49M

    | | | └──2.mp4 164.96M

    | | └──04-the right home

    | | | ├──1.mp4 447.22M

    | | | └──2.mp4 141.09M

    | └──unit 4

    | | ├──01-is that rain

    | | | ├──1.mp4 138.23M

    | | | └──2.mp4 420.69M

    | | ├──02-rain

    | | | ├──1.mp4 146.33M

    | | | └──2.mp4 340.60M

    | | ├──03-pumpkin mess

    | | | ├──1.mp4 154.31M

    | | | └──2.mp4 370.20M

    | | └──04-grow a strawberry mess

    | | | ├──1.mp4 132.43M

    | | | └──2.mp4 329.23M

    └──level 4

    | ├──unit 1

    | | ├──01-the crab dragon

    | | | ├──1.mp4 464.15M

    | | | └──2.mp4 167.79M

    | | ├──02-no trivks gran

    | | | ├──1.mp4 386.75M

    | | | └──2.mp4 153.31M

    | | ├──03-the lost chimp

    | | | ├──1.mp4 457.47M

    | | | └──2.mp4 166.96M

    | | └──04-painting the loft

    | | | ├──1.mp4 405.27M

    | | | └──2.mp4 144.81M

    | ├──unit 2

    | | ├──01-green planet kids

    | | | ├──1.mp4 486.07M

    | | | └──2.mp4 167.88M

    | | ├──02-crunch

    | | | ├──1.mp4 419.38M

    | | | └──2.mp4 167.81M

    | | ├──03-a trip to the beach

    | | | ├──1.mp4 380.16M

    | | | └──2.mp4 155.69M

    | | └──04-looking after a dog

    | | | ├──SVID_20200921_085405_1.mp4 354.69M

    | | | └──SVID_20200921_092552_1.mp4 161.07M

    | └──unit 3

    | | ├──01-sun and rain

    | | | ├──SVID_20200922_092055_1.mp4 378.04M

    | | | └──SVID_20200922_095420_1.mp4 139.75M

    | | ├──02-what’s for lunch

    | | | ├──SVID_20200923_090045_1.mp4 345.55M

    | | | └──SVID_20200923_094429_1.mp4 189.67M

    | | ├──03-mosaic trail

    | | | ├──SVID_20200924_103359_1.mp4 494.73M

    | | | └──SVID_20200924_120009_1.mp4 200.07M

    | | └──04-mosaic art

    | | | ├──SVID_20200925_084251_1.mp4 576.63M

    | | | └──SVID_20200925_091830_1.mp4 209.27M

    UU学院 » 步步阅读·牛津树精讲精读


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