课程介绍: 本视频教程是AE与PS游戏开始界面动画制作的视频教程,Digital-Tutors Animating Concept Art in After Effects and Photoshop 时长:1小时25分 教程使用软件:After Effects,Photoshop CC 作者:Jonathan Lam 共12个章节 语言:英语 01 Introduction and project overview 02 Preparing our concept art animation 03 Importing into After Effects 04 Animating swaying grass 05 Utilizing simple movement animation 06 Animating atmosphere, smoke and clouds 07 Creating subtle wind effects 08 Animating particle effects 09 Creating birds in the distance 10 Creating leA危es in Photoshop 11 Utilizing Trapcode Particular 12 Exporting our final video
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